Friday, March 5, 2010
What is the difference between animals on a farm and the book Animal Farm
Monday, February 22, 2010
People get power in a lot of ways. One way people get power is by have a lot of something like money. If someone have a lot of money people will probably do what they tell them. A different way to get power is by being bigger that that person. If that person is bigger that you might be scared of them and do what that tell you to. I think a very simple what you can get power is be someone respecting you. If someone respects someone then they are more likely to do something if the respect you. Some times power is easy to get or it can be hard to get. If the person likes you they will respect you easier then if they don’t like you.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
why animals prey on their own species?
There are around 140 species that prey on their own species. Some people think that animals prey on their own species to be alpha male but most animals prey on their own species to have food.
Some people think that animals pray on their own species to be alpha male. They want to be the leader of the pack and make the decisions. Wolves have an alpha male he is the biggest and they fight to be alpha male. The alpha male has to be strong for the rest of the pack to survive. Even female wolves preys on it's own species the be alpha female.
Some animals pray on their own species to be alpha male but, most animals prey own their own species to have food. If animals are low on food they will do almost anything to survive. The dragonflies will eat it’s own if there is no food. They prey on animals of their own species to have food to stay alive. If food is scarce, animals like the Red-backed Salamanders will eat it's own species.
Animals can prey on their own species to be alpha male but, mostly to survive. If we can help the animals stop eating each other we might help save a species.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
The Romans and the Huns
Thursday, October 29, 2009

Friday, October 2, 2009
Can a big group for people get a long with every one in that community?
People who spread bad rumors would be in this group and also try to start fights out of little things.
A dumb reason would be to believe a rumor without checking it out first.
That's why people should not even listen to rumors like supposedly someone said something bad about them.
So I think people in Neighborhoods should focus on the good things and not the rumors.
If they hear a rumor
The community should do fun things together like my neighborhood did a block party.
Everyone got together to talk and eat. This would help you get to know people so you wouldn't be
tempted to start rumors about them. Also you would get to know the people in your community so if there
is a problem you are more comfortable talking to them.